Indiana 811 is a private, nonprofit, statewide organization which has the responsibility to manage the “call before you dig” process for Indiana. It is your responsibility to make sure that you and/or your landscaper make this call to locate all utilities and sewers at the digging site at least two full working days before you dig. Visit or call 811 to schedule a locate of your digging project.

Below is a list of trees suggested for planting in the parkway, however if sewers are located in your parkway, we would advise against planting at that site. These trees were selected for placement along the road because they are less likely to destroy sidewalks or asphalt with shallow root systems, but even these root systems eventually will grow into and cause backups in nearby sewers. Also, to help ensure a healthy tree, planting in parkways narrower than 6’ wide is not recommended and trees planted under power lines must have maximum height at maturity of less than 25’.

Most of these trees have crowns around 20’ wide at maturity, helping to prevent overhang into the street and damage to large vehicles, such as snow plows and garbage trucks. They have also shown some tolerance to road salt. Pyrus calleryana, commonly known as Bradford or Cleveland Pear, is not on this list. It is now considered an invasive species and no longer acceptable as a landscape tree.

**Amelanchier canadensis: Serviceberry 20’H x 20’W
**Cornus kousa: Flowering dogwood 20’H x15-20’W
**Crataegus crusgalli var. inermis: Hawthorn ‘Thornless Cockspur’ 20’H x 20’W
***Malus: Flowering crabapple 10-20’H x 8-20’W
Syringa reticulata: Japanese tree lilac ‘Ivory Silk’ or ‘China Snow’ 20’H x 15-20’W

**Acer griseum: Paperbark maple 20-30’H x 15-25’W *Gingko ‘Princeton Sentry’: 30-40’H x 15-20’W
*Nyssa sylvatica: Sour gum, Black gum or Tupelo 30-50’H x 20-30’W *Nyssa sylvatica ‘David Odom’: Afterburner Tupelo 35’H x 20’W
*Ulmus davidiana var. japonica ‘JFS-Bieberich’: Emerald Sunshine Elm 35’H x 25’W
*Ulmus ‘New Horizon: New Horizon Elm 40’H x 15-25’W
*Ulmus davidiana var. japonica ‘Prospector’’: Prospector Elm 40-50’H x 25’W

* Do not plant under power lines.
** Look for single trunk rather than multi-trunk specimens.
***Narrow crown cultivars are available.