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What are your office hours and where do I call if I have a question?
Our office hours are Monday thru Friday: 7:30-4:30. You can reach us at (219)322-2211, Ext. 5
or feel free to e-mail us at utilitybilling@schererville.org.
What day is my water bill due?
Your water bill is due on the 24th of every month. If the 24th falls on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday), it is due the following Monday. If it is due on a Holiday that our office is closed, it will be accepted the following day without penalty.
What method of payment can be used to pay my water bill or any other fee or service necessary to be paid at the Clerk-Treasurers Office?
We accept cash, check, money order, debit card, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover ONLY) to pay for your water bill or any other fee at the Clerk-Treasurers Office.
Can I pay my utility bill online?
Yes, you can! Effective October, 2014: You may pay your utility bill online at www.invoicecloud.com/scherervillein. A $2.95 service fee applies. This can also be setup through your banks bill payment. Your bank will mail us a check this is NOT electronic. Your payment is usually received about 7-10 days after it is setup to pay. Our address is 10 E. Joliet Street, Schererville, IN 46375. Please include your utility account number on your check.
Can I setup my utility bill to be paid automatically every month?
Yes, you can! Sign-up forms are available at the Clerk-Treasurers Office or by downloading the application. There is no fee for this program through our office. *PLEASE REMEMBER TO INCLUDE A VOIDED CHECK WITH YOUR APPLICATION!!
Can I transfer my water service to a new address in Schererville?
No, new customers and existing customers moving to new locations are required to present a government-issued ID and to sign a Service Agreement at the Clerk-Treasurers Office before service can be activated for an address.
Do I get any discount on my water bill for filling my pool or watering my grass?
From the time your water meter is read in the beginning of May to the time it is read in the beginning of September, residents do get a discount on their Sewer rate (we call that Summer Sewer Rates). Lets explain: An average household uses 2,000 gallons of water per person, per month. If 2 people live in a house, they should use approximately 4,000 gallons of water per month (2 people X 2,000 gallons = 4,000 gallons). During the Summer Sewer Rates, if they use 10,000 gallons of water, they are only charged for 4,000 gallons of sewage, but still pay for the 10,000 gallons of water they used. If you plan on filling your pool/hot tub prior to May 1st or after September 1st, please read your water meter before you begin water usage and after you are done. Call the readings into the Clerk-Treasurer's Office 219-322-2211 Ext.5.
Why do I have to be home to get my water turned on?
To prevent any water damage by a faucet that is left on or a clogged/plugged drain
Do I need to license my pets with the Town?
Yes, you do need to license your pets with the Town. Failure to do so can result in fines of $25 to $2,500 (Ordinance #1549). Licenses can be purchased from the beginning of January to the end of March EACH year at Schererville's Police Department, 25 E. Joliet Street, Schererville, IN. If you are an existing resident and you purchase your Pet Licenses after March 31st, you will be charged a $10.00 late fee per animal. Please bring proof of current vaccines and proof of spaying or neutering. The Police Department does not keep these records on file! Fees are: $5.00 each- Spayed or neutered Dogs and Cats $20.00 each - Non-spayed or non-neutered Dogs $10.00 each - Non-spayed or non-neutered Cats Town of Schererville Ordinance #1549 limits residents to owning no more than five (5) Dogs and/or Cats. Office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For questions, please call (219) 322-5000. **CASH OR CHECK ONLY**
What day is garbage and recycling pick-up? Can I put out a couch for pickup?
If you live on the North side of U.S. 30, your trash/recycling day is Wednesday. If you live on the South side of U.S. 30, your trash/recycling day is Thursday. Recycling is picked up every other week. Click here to find information on recycling and the recycling calendar.
If a National Holiday falls during the week (New Years Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day), your trash/recycling will be picked up one (1) day later than normal. Example: If your trash day is normally Wednesday, it will be picked up Thursday. One (1) large item is allowed per week for pickup. Please call Republic Services at 219-662-8600 for any questions.
Where do I pay a traffic ticket?
Traffic tickets are paid in the Schererville Town Court office, located at 25 E. Joliet Street (attached to the Schererville Police Department across from Town Hall). Their office hours are Monday Thursday, 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m., closed Friday Sunday. Their phone number is 219-865-5579.
What is the Branch and Leaf Collection schedule?
Where do I dispose of household hazardous waste materials?
Either call 1-800-946-4449, (219)769-3820, or click here to learn of upcoming dates and locations for drop-off.
When does the town test the severe weather alarm?
Sirens are activated/tested at 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the first Saturday of every month. The only time the siren would not be tested as part of that program is if the weather conditions appear to be right for the generation of a tornado/severe weather.
Where and how do I pay my water bill?
Water bills may be paid the following ways:
- Online Payment
- Over the phone using a credit card or debit card
- With a check (and payment stub) in either drop box at the front or back entrance of the Town Hall
- In person at the Town Hall
- US Mail
The Town Hall is located at 10 E. Joliet St., Schererville, IN 46375.
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