The Town of Schererville Public Works Department employs both full-time and part-time personnel. Over 60% of these employees have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) as required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). A CDL license allows drivers to operate a vehicle over 26,000 lbs. Our equipment consists of dump trucks, excavators, front end loaders, backhoes, street sweepers, vactor trucks, leaf machines, chipper trucks, asphalt rollers, bucket truck, tractors and various mowers, vans, and pick up trucks.
A few of the Public Works Department Responsibilities:
- Repair and replace underground water, sewer, and stormwater pipes
- Maintain/Repair all municipal vehicles and equipment
- Street lights and signs
- Remove dead trees in parkways
- Plow/salt snow and ice
- Locate underground utilities
- Chip branches and vacuum leaves left in front of residents homes
- Operate the mosquito spraying machine
- Sweep streets
- Roadside mowing
- Remove concrete for replacement
- Repair asphalt
- Assist with Town events and aid in maintaining our public builidngs
We are here to assist. From 7am - 3:30pm call us at 219-322-6688. For after hour emergencies, contact the Schererville Police Department at 219-322-5000.
Contact Us
- Phone: (219) 322-6688
- Phone: (219) 322-5486
- Fax:
(219) 864-1628 - Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday - Friday:
7:00 AM 3:30 PM
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Note: These are office hours only. In the event of an emergency, public works employees will be called out as necessary.